• We are hoping to raise 100k because that’s the minimum we would need to put a downpayment on the building. But if we can’t make 100k, not all hope is lost. The publicity generated by this fundraiser has brought another potential location to our attention, and we may be able to relocate there with a smaller amount of raised funds.

  • An offer has already been made on our building, and we now have only a few weeks to try to raise money to make a counter offer.

    If we aren’t able to make a counter offer, we will likely have to move as soon as the new owner takes over. In this case, we would like to have raised relocation funds by June.

  • At the beginning of this fundraiser, we thought that the loss of our building would be lights out for Happyrock. But thanks to everyone who’s seen and shared our fundraiser, another potential location in Gladstone was offered to us and we actually have options! If moving to a new location ends up being the only possible option, we will use the funds we’ve raised to cover all of the costs associated with the move and creating a comfortable new space.

  • All of our merch is pre-order, and we won’t begin manufacturing until a reasonable amount of orders have come in. This likely means we won’t ship things until May, but depending on the amount of orders we receive it could be earlier!

  • Please share this fundraiser with your friends and family, even if they’re not familiar with Gladstone or Clackamas County. Folks living in larger and more progressive cities often don’t understand that those of us living/ working in smaller and/or more rural communities are on the frontlines of a daily battle against bigotry, and the work that we do here has a huge impact on how hate trickles out and spreads to city centers.

    If you’re looking for other ways to support important local causes, we highly recommend donating to The Living Room, a great org working to support LGBTQ+ youth in Clackamas County.